Monday, June 30, 2008

Does bottled liquids people purchase depend on its appeal?

During class today the class discussed the key word, consumption. Someone brought up the interesting statement that i found intriguing; someone said "I would rather buy a bottle of Dasani water then a bottle of Kirkland water because the Dasani bottle has a more appealing bottle." I never realized that the appeal of a product would be a factor of a purchase, even for bottled water. If the statement that a classmate said was true, then I believe that looks can be deceiving. Most of the more appealing designs of bottled products are more expensive then the generic brand. For example, Voss water has a sleek glass bottle that cost four times more then the generic more plane Kirkland bottled water. Personally, when i tried Voss water, it did not taste water to me; it was quite disgusting in my opinion. The class discussed the relationship between need and want and how these two words connected to consumption. The media has influenced society to believe that a more appealing product is a better product then a generic brand. People believe that they need the more appealing bottled water, but in reality they choose the more appealing bottled water because they want it. Another example of this is the comparison of Kirkland Vodka and a higher end vodka such as Grey Goose. If a person was given the option whether to drink Grey Goose or Kirkland Vodka, i would think that person would choose Grey Goose. People would choose to drink Grey Goose because it comes in a tall bottle with very appealing designs compared to the signature Kirkland Vodka bottle. But the fact that not many people know about is that Kirkland Vodka uses the same vodka that Grey Goose uses, Kirkland Vodka is just distilled differently. Thus, both vodka's are essentially the same vodka but Kirkland Vodka is must cheaper. People tend to choose Grey Goose over Kirkland because Grey Goose is seen as a high end Vodka. Thus, looks can be deceiving, especially with bottled products.


Arlenm said...

Before I talk about how great your post is, there is a typing error in it. Right after "Personally, when i tried Voss water," is the error.

Great post. I found it to be very informative and interesting. Your point was helped a lot by the links to the images. Before I clicked the links for the two vodka bottles, I was thinking: "No, how can the look of a vodka bottle influence your decision to buy it?". Then, I clicked on the two links to compare them and Wow. The Grey Goose vodka looks like it contains a vodka that is 10 times better than the Kirkland vodka.

Christopher Schaberg said...

This is a very interesting post, and I like the way that you transition from bottled water to the more high-end subject of vodka nicely. Your title's grammar is a little garbled; it should read: "Do the bottles people purchase depend on their appeal?"—or something like that. Your subject is plural, not singular. Also, monitor your use of "then"—in many cases, it should read "than."

Purelavender said...

"it did not taste water to me" you're missing "like" in this sentence. Also plane should be plain right? Other than these minor typos, your post is quite interesting. I do agree with it and I tend to choose products with nicer packaging just because it appeals to me more.