Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's too hot to do homework, but it must be done

My group decided to take one word, identity, and choose other words to describe our theme word. our words to describe our theme word are ideology, race, image, sexuality, and identity itself. The word i chose to describe identity was ideology. In my last post i described how the word ideology was explained in the text book and how it was connected to identity. I believe that more then five words can explain the true meaning of the worth identity. i believe that identity is a strong word but it has been forgotten through time. Do not get me wrong, race, image, ideology and sexuality do describe identity, but just five words do not bring justice to describe any word. When i think of the word identity, i see the daily struggle for a person to be unique. During the school year when i walk to and from class, i see the endless amount of people trying to be different from the person next to them. Identity can be taken into account with everything one see's. Identity not only explains the uniqueness of a person but as objects as well. For example, you see so many different brands of bikes and the different design of it, but essentially they are all bikes.

1 comment:

Christopher Schaberg said...

I find myself wanting more precision in this post. Also, your post's title rather dulls the critical edge of your writing; find ways to show your reader that you are taking your subject seriously, and that you are trying to wrap your mind around your subject's more difficult aspects. And where is the narrative in this post? I like the final image of the bikes—but this could be fleshed out in much more detail.